
  • SSC MTS exam pattern 2024 has only 1 stage i.e. Computer Based Examination. But, if you have applied for Havaldar post, you must appear for Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST). The exam consists of subjects like Maths, Reasoning, English and General Awareness. Until 2022, SSC MTS exam had two papers- one objective and one descriptive but now there is only one paper conducted in 2 computer-based sessions.

    1. The exam has two sessions conducted on the same day.
    2. First session has 40 questions while the second has 50 questions.
    3. Each question in both sessions consists of 3 marks
    4. There is no negative marking in Session 1 but 1 mark is deducted for each wrong answer in Session 2.
    5. The exam is conducted in Hindi, English and 13 regional languages.
  • SSC MTS Exam Pattern:
    Type Mode Exam Duration
    Objective Multiple Choice Computer-Based Exam 90 minutes
    PET/PST (only for Havaldar post) Offline -
  • SSC MTS CBE Exam
    Session Subject Number of Question/ Maximum Marks Time Duration
    Session 1 I. Numerical and Mathematical Ability 20/60 45 Minutes (60 Minutes for candidates eligible for scribes)
    II. Reasoning Ability and Problem-Solving 20/60
    Session 2 I. General Awareness 25/75 45 Minutes (60 Minutes for candidates eligible for scribes)
    II. English Language and Comprehension 25/75

  • SSC MTS Marking Scheme
    • SSC MTS CBE session 1 has no negative marking. However, in Session 2, your 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.

  • SSC MTS PET/PST Pattern
    SSC MTS PET/ PST is being conducted only for the post of Havaldar in CBIC CBN. You can check out the details of the physical standards below:
    • SSC Havaldar Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
      You can check out the SSC Physical Efficiency Test (PET) pattern for the post of Havaldar in CBIC CBN below:
      PET Male Time Duration
      Walking 1600 meters in 15 minutes 1 km in 20 minutes

    • SSC Havaldar Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
      You can check out SSC Havaldar PST pattern for the post of Havaldar in CBIC and CBN are as follows:
      Gender Height Chest
      Male 157.5 cms. (relaxable by 5 cm in the case of Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas, and members of Schedule Tribes)
      1. Unexpanded: 76 cms
      2. Minimum expansion: 5 cms
      Gender Height Weight
      Female 152 cms. (relaxable by 2.5 Cms in the case of Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas, and members of Schedule Tribes) 48 kg (relaxable by 2 Kg in the case of Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas, and members of Schedule Tribes)

Book List

Video Lecture
Numerical Aptitude
more video
Reasoning Aptitude
more video
Computer Aptitude
more video
English Language
more video