UP Police Constable हिंदी में

Before moving forward to the UP Police Constable Syllabus, you must be aware of the detailed exam pattern for the written examination. It provides insights into the question types, marking system, subjects, and total marks and other details.

  1. The time duration for UP Police Constable Exam is 2 hours (120 minutes)

  2. The exam will be an objective-based written exam.

  3. The exam will be of four different papers (General Hindi, General Knowledge, Numerical & Mental Ability Test, and Mental Aptitude /Intelligence /Reasoning).

  4. The exam will be of 300 marks in total with 150 questions.

  5. The exam will be in bilingual language (English & Hindi)

  6. Each question will carry +2 marks each.

  7. There will be a negative marking of 0.5 for every wrong answer.

  • Sr. No. Subject Total Ques. Total Marks Duration
    01 General Knowlegde
    (सामान्य ज्ञान)
    38 76 120 Minutes
    02 General Hindi
    (सामान्य हिन्दी)
    37 74
    03 Numerical & Mental Ability Test
    (संख्यात्मक और मानसिक क्षमता)
    38 76
    04 Mental Aptitude Test or Intelligence Quotient Test or Reasoning
    (मानसिक अभिरुचि, बुद्धिलब्धि अवं तार्किक क्षमता)
    37 74
    Total 150 300

Book List

Video Lecture
Numerical Aptitude
more video
Reasoning Aptitude
more video
Computer Aptitude
more video
English Language
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